Options: --extractedFilesFolder = folder where extracted files are to be located. Default is the temp folder --daemon = fork into background and run as daemon (Unix only) --config = load configuration properties from here. Default is ./winstone.properties --prefix = add this prefix to all URLs (eg http://localhost:8080/prefix/resource). Default is none --commonLibFolder = folder for additional jar files. Default is ./lib
--logfile = redirect log messages to this file --logThrowingLineNo = show the line no that logged the message (slow). Default is false --logThrowingThread = show the thread that logged the message. Default is false --debug = set the level of debug msgs (1-9). Default is 5 (INFO level)
--httpPort = set the http listening port. -1 to disable, Default is 8080 --httpListenAddress = set the http listening address. Default is all interfaces --httpDoHostnameLookups = enable host name lookups on incoming http connections (true/false). Default is false --httpKeepAliveTimeout = how long idle HTTP keep-alive connections are kept around (in ms; default 5000)? --httpsPort = set the https listening port. -1 to disable, Default is disabled if neither --httpsCertificate nor --httpsKeyStore are specified, https is run with one-time self-signed certificate. --httpsListenAddress = set the https listening address. Default is all interfaces --httpsDoHostnameLookups = enable host name lookups on incoming https connections (true/false). Default is false --httpsKeepAliveTimeout = how long idle HTTPS keep-alive connections are kept around (in ms; default 5000)? --httpsKeyStore = the location of the SSL KeyStore file. --httpsKeyStorePassword = the password for the SSL KeyStore file. Default is null --httpsCertificate = the location of the PEM-encoded SSL certificate file. (the one that starts with '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----') must be used with --httpsPrivateKey. --httpsPrivateKey = the location of the PEM-encoded SSL private key. (the one that starts with '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----') --httpsKeyManagerType = the SSL KeyManagerFactory type (eg SunX509, IbmX509). Default is SunX509 --spdy = Enable SPDY. See http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Feature/NPN --ajp13Port = set the ajp13 listening port. -1 to disable, Default is disabled --ajp13ListenAddress = set the ajp13 listening address. Default is all interfaces --controlPort = set the shutdown/control port. -1 to disable, Default disabled
--handlerCountStartup = set the no of worker threads to spawn at startup. Default is 5 --handlerCountMax = set the max no of worker threads to allow. Default is 40 --handlerCountMaxIdle = set the max no of idle worker threads to allow. Default is 5
--sessionTimeout = set the http session timeout value in minutes. Default to what webapp specifies, and then to 60 minutes --mimeTypes=ARG = define additional MIME type mappings. ARG would be EXT=MIMETYPE:EXT=MIMETYPE:... (e.g., xls=application/vnd.ms-excel:wmf=application/x-msmetafile) --maxParamCount=N = set the max number of parameters allowed in a form submission to protect against hash DoS attack (oCERT #2011-003). Default is 10000. --usage / --help = show this message --version = show the version and quit
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Security options: --realmClassName = Set the realm class to use for user authentication. Defaults to ArgumentsRealm class
--argumentsRealm.passwd.<user> = Password for user <user>. Only valid for the ArgumentsRealm realm class --argumentsRealm.roles.<user> = Roles for user <user> (comma separated). Only valid for the ArgumentsRealm realm class
--fileRealm.configFile = File containing users/passwds/roles. Only valid for the FileRealm realm class
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Access logging: --accessLoggerClassName = Set the access logger class to use for user authentication. Defaults to disabled --simpleAccessLogger.format = The log format to use. Supports combined/common/resin/custom (SimpleAccessLogger only) --simpleAccessLogger.file = The location pattern for the log file(SimpleAccessLogger only)
add-job-to-view Adds jobs to view. build Builds a job, and optionally waits until its completion. cancel-quiet-down Cancel the effect of the "quiet-down" command. clear-queue Clears the build queue connect-node Reconnect to a node console Retrieves console output of a build. copy-job Copies a job. create-job Creates a new job by reading stdin as a configuration XML file. create-node Creates a new node by reading stdin as a XML configuration. create-view Creates a new view by reading stdin as a XML configuration. delete-builds Deletes build record(s). delete-job Deletes a job delete-node Deletes a node delete-view Deletes view(s). disable-job Disables a job disconnect-node Disconnects from a node enable-job Enables a job get-job Dumps the job definition XML to stdout. get-node Dumps the node definition XML to stdout. get-view Dumps the view definition XML to stdout. groovy Executes the specified Groovy script. groovysh Runs an interactive groovy shell. help Lists all the available commands or a detailed description of single command. install-plugin Installs a plugin either from a file, an URL, or from update center. install-tool Performs automatic tool installation, and print its location to stdout. Can be only called from inside a build. keep-build Mark the build to keep the build forever. list-changes Dumps the changelog for the specified build(s). list-jobs Lists all jobs in a specific view or item group. list-plugins Outputs a list of installed plugins. login Saves the current credential to allow future commands to run without explicit credential information. logout Deletes the credential stored with the login command. mail Reads stdin and sends that out as an e-mail. offline-node Stop using a node for performing builds temporarily, until the next "online-node" command. online-node Resume using a node for performing builds, to cancel out the earlier "offline-node" command. quiet-down Quiet down Jenkins, in preparation for a restart. Don’t start any builds. reload-configuration Discard all the loaded data in memory and reload everything from file system. Useful when you modified config files directly on disk. reload-job Reload job(s) remove-job-from-view Removes jobs from view. restart Restart Jenkins. safe-restart Safely restart Jenkins. safe-shutdown Puts Jenkins into the quiet mode, wait for existing builds to be completed, and then shut down Jenkins. session-id Outputs the session ID, which changes every time Jenkins restarts. set-build-description Sets the description of a build. set-build-display-name Sets the displayName of a build. set-build-parameter Update/set the build parameter of the current build in progress. set-build-result Sets the result of the current build. Works only if invoked from within a build. set-external-build-result Set external monitor job result. shutdown Immediately shuts down Jenkins server. update-job Updates the job definition XML from stdin. The opposite of the get-job command. update-node Updates the node definition XML from stdin. The opposite of the get-node command. update-view Updates the view definition XML from stdin. The opposite of the get-view command. version Outputs the current version. wait-node-offline Wait for a node to become offline. wait-node-online Wait for a node to become online. who-am-i Reports your credential and permissions.